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Testimonials cats Page 8
Just a note to say thank you for the great product!
I tried it on my cat and she took to it just fine.
As I am against declawing, I figured I'd try it out.
I have already convinced one other cat owner to buy the product. I hope many others become familiar with the product. It really is great!
Again, thanks for the fantastic product!
Sonia K.
First of all - I love Soft Paws. My kitty didn't even blink when I put them on her. Thanks for a great product.
I'm so glad that I don't have to put Fluffy through the whole "de-clawing" ordeal. She handles having Soft Paws so well - I was totally amazed.
Thanks again
I never knew that declawing was a brutal operation. I had called a Veterinarian to ask about it, and had the good fortune of contacting one who refused to do it. He told me it was excruciating for the animals, that they howl in pain for hours or days after the operation. He recommended Soft Paws and helped me with the first application. I am so grateful that I did not put my beloved cat through the torture of declawing. Soft Paws are convenient, humane, and to my delight, easy to order on the Internet!
Thanks, M. Larkin
I don't have a question, but really felt the need to let you know how happy I am with your product. I have had a cat declawed in the past, and remember how she tripped over her feet and was obviously so uncomfortable. I recently put Soft Paws on my two cats, Bobby and Gremlin. I had $1500.00 in new furniture delivered the same day, and they were a life saver. I have already recommended your product to my friends with cats, and will continue to do so.
Way to go Soft Paws!
Mary Ann...A very satisfied customer.
I didn't expect to say this but I am actually impressed. My girlfriend tried something like this a few years ago but the cat didn't like it and she didn't keep up with it. I am moving in with her in a couple of months but she has thousands of dollars worth of damage to her apartment caused by one sweet little cat. I told my girlfriend I wouldn't move in with her unless she tried Soft Paws again and kept up with them. When we first put them on the cat didn't like them and tried to chew them off. My girlfriend and I made it a point to correct Kizzie, her cat, by using a strong *NO!* and pulling her paw away from her mouth. Within an hour or two she stopped picking at her Soft Paws and now after only a few days, she acts like they aren't even there. I am always a skeptic and never allow myself to get my hopes up when I make a purchase. I hate disappointment!! This is one of the few times I can honestly say that a product went above and beyond my expectations. We are looking forward to trying the different colors of Soft Paws so that Kizzie will be the envy of every cat in the neighborhood.
I am just so happy to see a product live up to its reputation that, being the skeptic that I am, I am thrilled to help out anyone that is in a similar situation. Please feel free to use my testimonial to help get the word out about Soft Paws.
Thank you from Karen, Kizzie, and Bob
Just wanted to thank you so very much for such an excellent product. Both of my cats adjusted very quickly to their "Soft Paws" and of course, I'm absolutely thrilled that my new rug in our living room won't be absolutely ruined!
Thanks again...I am one very satisfied customer!
By all means...include my feedback on your website! I read the testimonials on your website before I bought the Soft Paws, which really helped me in my decision to buy them. I hope my input will help others do the same.
H. Bryant
My cat has had his Soft Paws for one week now. I am very pleased with the look and the feel of the caps. When I got him I thought I would have to get him declawed to protect our belongings, after all, my friends cat has torn her home to shreds! But a co-worker told me about this site, and that he has been using the caps on his cat for quite a while. Although over his lifetime it will cost more to keep caps on those paws, I am much more happy that he will not have surgery, and I am sure he is too! That happiness is worth it.
Thank you for having such a great product.
Tillie B.
Mom said I could send you a letter. I got pretty Pink nails on! They are really bright! I like them, (but they make typing a little hard). I got to go for a car ride to the vet to help pick them out. Mommy bought me a toy for being such a good girl. Everyone at the vet likes me! Now the new furniture won't get hurt and neither will I. (I didn't want to be declawed).
Both Mom and I think it would be great if you put our feelings on your website.
Mom and Dad left me all alone for a whole week with the new furniture. I was good and the furniture is fine. A nice Lady did come check on me but I'm a scardy cat and hid.
Love, Kitty
This is Kitty's mom, Laura. Thanks so much for such a great product!
Hi. Just wanted to let you know I was successful in getting 8 Soft Paws on... did all but the inside of the paw. She hated them going on.. but I did 1 or 2 at a time and then gave her a pounce treat. She does not seem to mind having them on .. she uses her scratching posts and all seems normal. Thank you again for your advice.. I hope the all don't fall off at once as I could be in trouble if I have to start from scratch.
Chris C.
aka Simba's Mom
Dear Soft Paws,
I love Soft Paws! I have allergies and I used to scratch at my face a lot, to the point that it would bleed. I have scars all over my face from scratching at it, I used to bleed all over my owners furniture (they were not too happy about that), now they let me sit on the furniture again. My owners used to stuff lots of pills down my throat to make my allergies go away (which may I say did not help one bit). But now that my owners have discovered Soft Paws they don't do that anymore. I still scratch at my face but I do not bleed or even break the skin.
I really love Soft Paws, thank you for making them.
Cassie the Cat
(and Sharon C.)
I just wanted to tell you that this product is so wonderful. I am so glad that they are great alternatives instead of declawing a cat. I have directed many friends to this site and had them order these instead of them going and having the claws removed.
Thank you so much for coming up with this product. This saves cats from having to go through terrible pain and helps out the cat owner in making a good decision on taking care of their cat instead of butchering their paws.
Karyn B.
I just wanted to thank you for selling such a fabulous product. When my husband told me about Soft Paws I was skeptical. I thought, if these work so great why have I never heard of them? Luckily, they are extremely affordable so we decided to give them a shot. We have three cats who love to claw furniture, radio speakers, carpet, etc. They were very easy to apply and the cats were used to them within only a couple of minutes!!! This product is a MIRACLE and I am not saying that lightly! We can now keep all the doors in our home open and live like normal people. My cats are fine with Soft Paws on; they still behave the same way they ordinarily would. They still try to scratch but they can't! This is a perfect solution to saving your furniture and/or having your animal declawed. I LOVE THIS PRODUCT!! Again, I can't stress enough how easy these are to apply and how the cats don't even notice they are on. I can't praise you enough!
p.s. I love the pink ones!
Thank you so so much and if you ever need a reference - use me!
Mandy R.
I am a new cat owner [rescued my little Sparky off the streets] just 4 months ago. Before that I NEW NOTHING about cats as I considered myself a dog person. I also have a Labrador Retriever who I adopted from the Guiding Eyes for the blind 4 and a half years ago.
I found you thru a lady who lives in my building who has a cat and swore by your product. The both of you saved me from doing what I anguished the most and that was declawing little Sparky. And thanks to your GREAT product I don't have to.
I put the Soft Paws on Sparky two days ago and he doesn't even bother with them. Which is really surprising. He has yet to take one off. Needless to say I will be ordering more of this marvelous product so that we can have a long lasting non destructive relationship. I love Sparky to death as he is very friendly and gets along great with people and with Teal [my dog].
I can't believe someone abandoned this guy in the streets. I believe that your product will save thousands of cats as I'm sure that many people DECLAW them , put their cats up for adoption or just simply get rid off them because of the damage they can cause to the furniture and or other animals in the same household with their claws.
Thanks again for saving me from that pain of declawing him!
Sincerely, Christopher C.
When ordering a set of Soft Paws for my cat (Pepin), I read most of the testimonials on your website. Most of the letters praise your product for saving people's furniture and carpeting. Well, I just wanted to thank you for the special reason that I use Soft Paws. My cat has a scratching disorder that causes him to open up a sore between his shoulder blades. After months of vet visits, a Victorian collar, prednisone and cortisone shots, gauze bandages and baby tee-shirts, an application of Soft Paws on his back feet have virtually ended his suffering. I couldn't be more thankful for your product, and for what it's done for my cat's quality of life. Thank you so much.
Kimberlee and "Pepin"
I have used Soft Paws for the first time on my cat Tuni and they are MARVELOUS...it didn't even take her much time to get used to them! I never liked the idea of declaw but I just got some new furniture and was pondering it. My cat is now 8 yrs old and I felt it would be too risky and traumatic for her at her age, so the Soft Paws are a blessing.