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Testimonials cats Page 6
Thanks for this great product. I have been telling everyone I know about it! I just got new furniture, and of course I am happy it's safe. However, there's another plus. My 6-year old, 14 pound "baby" likes to knead me. Now instead of little knives digging into my skin, it's gentle and painless! And it makes him happy.
After recovering from the loss of my 18 year old companion, Tigger. My boyfriend finally gave in allowed my to get a new kitty. I did however have to agree to have it declawed, but felt that that was a better option than no cat at all. I agreed to the declawing prior to knowing anything about it, other than some cats were declawed and some were not. After getting my TWO new kitties, I followed thru with my part of the deal and looked into having both cats declawed. I soon became very sick to my stomach after finding out exactly what declawing entails. Although I am a surgical nurse I had been under the impression that declawing just entailed removing the nail from a cats paw. I was horrified to find out that it actually entailed amputating the entire first joint of a cat's fingers. I also realized how incredibly painful this procedure was for the cat and realized I could not do that to my cats.
Luckily, my vet recommended me trying Soft Paws before giving my new kitties away. The Soft Paws have become a part of our cat's individual personalities and have saved my kitties from being tortured for the sake of saving my boyfriends new furniture. They are incredibly easy to put on and stay on for a pretty long time. My one cat, Cleo, is a little more frisky than her little brother, Little "G", and sometimes tries to pull them off but other than that they have saved our home from the terrorizing effects of two small kitties.
Thank you very much for offering such an incredible and humane alternative to declawing.
Dana M., Cleo and Little "G"
I have to tell you—so far, I am THRILLED with the Soft Paws. I received my set about three weeks ago and haven't put them on Owen because I was sure I needed my boyfriend to be here to help me. But this afternoon, while O was dozing in the dining room, I went out and trimmed one of his nails and then slipped on a Soft Claw. He never even opened his eyes!!
So, over the next 30 minutes, I managed to get four more Soft Paws on him. Then he woke up, sat up, stretched and walked over to his food bowl. He never even looked down at his feet once. It's been over an hour now and he's up here on the ironing board next to me looking out the window. He has yet to touch his paws. He doesn't even seem to know he's wearing them.
I'm ecstatic!! If these puppies work on Owen, you may want him for your poster cat! No one, my family, friends, etc. has EVER seen a cat more destructive than Owen. I should send you pictures of my front and back door screens, which he SHREDDED about two weeks ago. Not only can he fit through the holes, I could probably climb through them too. Owen's specialties include screens, carpet, speaker covers and windowsills.
My boyfriend has continually been amazed with the patience (interpretation: WHY do you still have him?) I show Owen. But I could never declaw him (think it's cruel) and there's no way I could give him away (who would love him more than me?). While he may be destroying my home, he's so cute you about cry looking at him. He is gray/black/white with long hair and looks like a Maine Coon cat.
I'm going to let him get back to sleep and then try to put the rest of these on. I'll keep you posted.
I never thought I would be a person to write a testimonial, but here it is. I have a cat who is somewhere around 10-12 years old. If doors are closed, he rips up the carpeting. He boxes with the other cat who was (unfortunately) declawed. He swipes at the dog. He has scratched through the bottom of litter boxes, despite frequent nail cuttings. He has destroyed the corners of the three couches I've owned. Last week we got a new couch that we actually like and wanted to preserve, so I bought some Soft Paws from my vet. I was sure he wouldn't tolerate them, since he is intolerant of so many things. After some serious histrionics while we put them on(a team effort for my husband and me), and some initial licking and chewing, he has left them completely alone.
I am so impressed with this product. I have recommended it to all of my friends. He no longer can hurt the other animals, the furniture, or us.
Thank you so much for such a wonderful solution. He will wear them (even the pink ones!) for the rest of his life or mine - whichever comes first!
-Anne W.
I'm so glad I purchased Soft Paws. They have saved our carpet and furniture. I think I will try the pink next.
Thank you,
Tara M.
We just finished applying the Soft Paws product to our 3-month-old kitty, Scratchy. Unfortunately, his name means just that as my daughter can attest.
We are happy (our new leather couch is going to arrive in a couple of weeks, and I am so relieved that Soft Paws arrived early). Scratchy looks happy (comfortable at least).
Thanks for a great product. We are certainly going to do business with your company for the life of our kitty.
Angel C.
Scratchy's Daddy and Soft Paws Fan
I have been using Soft Paws on my cat for 3 years now. I just love them! My cat Misty was a very destructive kitty, clawing carpets and furniture was her favorite past time. Misty was adopted by me at the age of 7 weeks, she had been abused and suffered emotional problems. I adopted her from the MSPCA knowing she would have problems. Little did I realize that she & I would be the best of friends! Of course she doesn't like anyone else...but that's beside the point.
Anyway, I rent an apartment and the landlord decided to put new wall to wall carpet in. I refused to have Misty declawed, I think it's a cruel surgery and ordered Soft Paws. Misty had no problem adjusting to them and I ordered them in bright pink so I know when she's missing one. I just love Soft Paws and my cat Misty has had no adjustments with them. I fully do not believe in declawing, Soft Paws is the ideal method.
-Linda B.
I just received my Soft Paws order on Friday. I had to write and tell you how thoroughly pleased I am with the product. I applied them to my 2 cats with no problems. Cassie didn't even notice a change (even though she now has adorable, bright pink claws!), and Callie only licked at hers for a few minutes before forgetting all about them. I am so relieved that everything worked out better than I had ever hoped.
The cats are happy as can be, and now I can buy that new couch I've been eyeing with no worries.
Thank you so much for making this great alternative to declawing available. I am telling everyone I know about my success and how to get Soft Paws for their loved ones!
Thanks again,
I just wanted to thank you for your innovative Soft Paws. My husband and I have a wonderful 2 1/2 year old male cat (14 pounds!) who still thinks he is 8 months old and likes to play constantly. He is truly a sweet, mild tempered cat, however, he likes to play too rough. If there is a finger or toe wiggling, he is batting at it with all 10 claws. And if a piece of furniture looks like it will play, then he's in "play-attack" mode.
This wasn't too much of a problem until I became pregnant with our first baby. I was devastated to think that the only choices I had were to surgically de-claw, find a new home, or risk a non-intentional injury to the baby. Fortunately, I found your Soft Paws information via the internet.
Soft Paws is the PERFECT SOLUTION to sharp claws! They are easy to put on and my cat doesn't even know they are there. He still likes to play rough and even scratches on his kitty-post, but there is never an injury to me or any furniture. The best part is that since he can't scratch us anymore, we find that we play with him much more often. So not only is there no risk to the new baby, but there is also no risk to us. I am sure my cat enjoys the extra play time he gets with us!
Thank you for giving us a safe, humane and 100% effective solution to sharp cat claws!
Thanks for sending more claw covers—Dottie loves the attention she gets during a manicure, and I like the red covers because I can tell easily when she's shed them and is ready for more!
Pam S.
I've been using Soft Paws for about a year now, and have been really happy with the results. (Although, I'm sure my cat, Duster, would argue differently.)
It seemed that I was trimming his nails weekly, and in turn, he was sharpening them constantly on my furniture! He doesn't like to sit still for long, and once he figures out I've got the trimmers in my hand, he immediately starts to squirm out of my hands. It sometimes takes two of us to keep him still long enough for me to just snip the end off without cutting his nail too short.
One day, I happened to be visiting with a friend who told me about these little "caps" she just put on her cat. I was curious, and the only other alternative I knew about was de-clawing. I didn't want to de-claw my cat. After all, cats rely on their claws as we do our fingers. I can't imagine cutting my fingers off at the first joint so why should I do that to my cat?! So... when my friend mentioned this new thing called Soft Paws, I became curious, and searched online for them, and wha-la! I ordered them, and have been using them every since. Now, instead of weekly battles with my cat, I only have to worry about it every few months, and my cat's much more happier with me too!
Another great thing about Soft Paws is that I have a five year old step-son who loves to play with the "kitty." Before Soft Paws, we always had to make him stop playing, for fear that the cat would get too aggressive with him and scratch him... which he often does. (Especially since at that time, he was just a kitten... with sharp little kitten claws.) Now, with Soft Paws, we don't have to worry about any marks, cuts, scrapes when they play.
I thank you for the Soft Paws solution. It has been the best thing for my cat... and my furniture!
Thank you,
Emily B. & Duster
Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! I recently adopted an abandoned female and she had absolutely no training whatsoever. She and her kitten (also in my home) will scratch anything with upholstery. Soft Paws have saved my furniture as well as my cats. My husband finally quit "hunting" them with the water pistol. Now everyone is happy. These are a marvelous solution for those of us who know not to mutilate our cats.
Heather Delgado
I am the proud mother of a 4 and 9 month old kitten, and must send you some comments about Soft Paws. I am dead set against declawing, and after a very negative experience with a declawed cat who had a severe behavior change after the operation I was even more against it. (I didn't declaw him, I adopted him that way.) When I see how my kittens love to climb, I can't even think of putting them through such a procedure. There is absolutely no need to.
I live in an apartment where declawing is a must on the lease. When my 9 month old was neutered at 6 months I thought I'd give Soft Paws a try. It took him only about 24 hours to get over the fact that there was something there that shouldn't be. He's gone through 2 sets so far, and They've worked out great for all of us. My 4 month old is a little small yet, but when he goes in for neutering he will get his first set on as well. Fortunately my apartment manager hasn't asked for their declawing certificates, and if she puts up a fuss about it I do intend to make an issue of it.
The problem with Soft Paws is that no one seems to know about them! I found out about the product through an advertisement in Cat Fancy. However, I have many friends and neighbors with cats that declaw because they don't realize there are alternatives. When I show them my kitty's claws, many people say they wish they had know about the option and may have considered it. You need to advertise more. I've made postings in cat newsgroups letting people know about them and many have seemed intrigued.
Thanks for giving cat owners this option. Declawing is just cruel and unnecessary.
I just wanted to let you know that I received my shipment of Soft Paws last Thursday. My husband and I put them on our cat that night and she is still wearing them! It hasn't bothered her in the least and she hasn't attempted to get them off, not even after we first put them on. Our new sofa is "scratch free" and our youngest daughter has enjoyed showing her kitty's pink toenails off to all of her friends.
I am so glad that my friend found your website before we followed thru with the declawing. I really don't think that people understand how cruel the surgery is and that there are other options.
There are about 900 people in my building where I work and I have given all of my co-workers your website address. I took several pictures of our cat, sporting her new pink nails and have shown them to everyone. They love it and I think that when they can talk to someone that has actually used the product and assured them that it works, they are more likely to try it. I'll keep spreading the word. Next time I order, my little girl wants to try purple!
Thanks once again for your wonderful product.
Catherine A.
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that the kitten-sized Soft Paws work fabulously on Iguanas! Yes, besides our cats, we have an iguana. Clipping his nails was turning into a weekly, painful process. Our vet recommended and applied them to Petri; at first he was a bit unhappy that he couldn't use his claws to grab things, but he quickly learned to use his entire hand instead.
Thanks for the product -- we are fast becoming regular purchasers!
Jo J.